Whatever your doing, do it with love, asking the question what is the loving response
There are two main aims of First Assist Being Well - F.A.B. training:
1. To normalise living, to move away from the weaponisation of how we live, empowering each to make informed choices.
2. Participants will grow in confidence, knowledge and skills to support someone who may be struggling with their psychological health.
Some of the areas covered in the training: Culture, mental health - suicide, depression, eating disorders, anxiety disorders, psychosis . ., culture and health will also be explored. This course encourages you to question for whose benefit current health protocols are developed..
Following participation of the training you will have expanded your knowledge of mental health, boosted your confidence in supporting someone, have the skills and tools to support and how to guide someone to improve their wellbeing.
Completion of the course is required prior to receiving training to deliver.
It is a 16 hour training programme broken into four sections/sessions (4hrs per session). These can be delivered over two days or four sessions.
In person delivery requires suitable venue to accommodate 16 participants with space for breakout groups. Tech requirements to utilise PowerPoint presentation. Flip chart, refreshments and facilities. Whether lunch is provided.
Online delivery requires participants to be in a confidential space, lap or desktop to be able to receive documents and engage fully.
A minimum of 6 participants - in person and online with a maximum of 16 in person and 20 online.
Take a moment to watch this talk to find out more: https://rumble.com/v273vdi-first-assist-beingwell-training-information.html
Being the change
Course dates
All dates are for one course: four sessions over four days. Each session is four hours.
Dates for FAB:
2025 to be confirmed.
All four days need to be attended to complete training. Each day runs from 0930-1330hrs (9.30am-1.30pm) UK/Eire timezone
Other dates that become available will be posted on the Telegram channel. Contact to gain access to this group.
Online investment:
£200 per person
PHA members £40 per person
Number of participants:
Minimum 6
Maximum 20.
In person courses by arrangement - above costs + travel, subsistence, venue & tech hire. In person courses delivered over two full days 0930-1730hrs (9:30am-5:30pm)
Additional donations will be accepted by facilitators.
The course is offered to external groups, organisations and individuals at a set cost £200 per individual. + travel & subsistence.
This course was developed by Helen Gibson of Authentic Discover for The Peoples Health Alliance.
Authentic Discovery and The Peoples Health Alliance (PHA) are passionate about empowering and sharing resources. Get in touch should you be experiencing financial blocks to attending this course.
Copyright © 2017 Authentic Discovery - All Rights Reserved.
"Remember to dance like no one is watching"
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